Official Newsletter of Victory Performance Centre
[AUG 2023 – ISSUE 9]


Welcome to our August edition of the Victory Performance Centre Newsletter for 2023!

Hi, VPC friends and family.

We have progressed well into 2023, and it’s pretty astonishing to realise that we are already past the year’s halfway point! I hope you got to have some downtime during the term two school holidays and are ready for all the fun heading our way over term three.

I was lucky enough to head back home to Australia during the break. Lucky me went to see the Brisbane showing of the “Moulin Rouge” Production with my Mum – Jody. Wow! I loved it – the set was amazing. It’s always a lovely time to reconnect with family and friends, but it’s also full-on catching up, so I look forward to returning to my second ‘home’ just as much.

Throughout term two, we commenced our preparations for the upcoming September exams by delving into the exam syllabus. I find it truly gratifying to witness the determination exhibited by the students as they put in that extra effort, follow their routines diligently, and remain dedicated while still retaining the fun and enjoyment.

The mid-year syllabus show during term two was a resounding success within our VPC family. Moreover, the exam workshops held during the break provided valuable additional practice opportunities for those who sought to enhance their preparation for the impending exams further. You’ll find more detailed information on these below!

As we transition into term three, it is no surprise that our main focus will continue to be preparation for the upcoming exams. Please keep in mind that these exams are entirely optional, and no pressure exists on any student to participate. Our priority is to ensure that each student feels at ease and empowered in making their choices.

For those students who possess the annual exam practice card, I encourage you to persist with your practice sessions and diligently fill out your cards. A fantastic incentive is in place to maintain motivation, as all completed cards will be entered into a draw for a VPC performance package!

I am always more than willing to chat regarding any concerns, feedback, or even just a friendly “Hello!” Please do not hesitate to contact me via email at at any time.

Tess x

Important Dates

Term 3: 17th Jul – 22nd Sep
Term 4: 9th Oct -22nd Dec

Monday 28th August

Saturday 2nd September

Saturday 9th September

Sunday 3rd December

17th December

18th –  22nd December 2023


In the lead-up to the September 9th exams, some of the VPC family used holiday time to get in extra practice. We had plenty of fun practising exam moves, crafting dancing figures while we worked on comprehension of desired positions, and completing worksheets to enhance exercise memorisation.

Check out all the fun we got up to HERE.

Remember! Though not compulsory, exams offer an exceptional opportunity to exhibit progress and dedication! We are happy to support your child and get them exam ready, so if you think you could benefit from some 1:1 time with Tess to fine tune things, please reach out!

And if you’re still on the fence about exams, that’s OK! There’s still time to partake if you decide that’s the right thing for your child. If you’re unsure about anything to do with exams, reach out to your child’s dance teacher to chat more.


This term we will continue to immerse ourselves in exam preparations and can’t wait to support our children throughout the process.

The exams take place in-house and serve to foster and encourage familiarity with the formalities of dance. Our dancers are taught syllabus exercises sourced from renowned international organizations like The Commonwealth of Dance, The Royal Academy of Dance, and the Acrobatic Arts.

During the exams, participants showcase these exercises and perform for a dance professional who offers them valuable, constructive feedback in an exam report. Successful students are rewarded with certificates and rosettes as a recognition of their dedicated efforts.

Important dates:

? 9th August: Commencement of exam practice cards

? 28th August: RSVP deadline for exams

? 2nd September: Exam mocks

? 9th September: Exam day

If you need more clarification, we are happy to have a discussion to answer any questions or queries.

Please email Tess anytime:


Term two saw us holding our 2023 Mid-Year Syllabus Show, providing a great opportunity for the kids to showcase the hard work they’ve put in since the beginning of the year.

The kids performed their exam dances, which they will be doing independently in front of the examiner in term three. This experience Mid-Year Syllabus Show, helps to boost confidence and develop performance qualities, making it easier for them to transition into their exam environment.

I would like to extend a huge thanks to everyone who attended and came to support their children. Those who brought along family, friends, and neighbours created cherished memories for the children, who will look back on these performances with appreciation.

Another big thank you goes out to everyone who enthusiastically joined in the audience dance. Whilst this was unexpected (!), we appreciated your participation and that it was taken in good spirits. And because it seemed like you all enjoyed yourselves so much, perhaps our Adult Dance Classes could be a hit too?! The kids look up parents, and I firmly believe in leading by example so what better way to inspire them than by taking part yourself!

If you’re interested in our Adult Dance Classes, you can find a link all dance classes timetable and dance styles here.

A special note of gratitude to everyone who brought food for our snacks table. Gathering over a cuppa and cake truly strengthens our community bond.  Also, a massive thank you to those who contributed to the raffles. These have been collected by the winners and were well-received!

Giselle P Photography deserves a big thanks for being our photographer. The photos have been updated and can be viewed on our Facebook VPC Family Group. If you’d like to purchase high-quality downloadable pictures (non-watermarked) please click on the photo and @victoryperformancecentre in the comments. Each digital photo is $5 and will be sent via email

Videos of the show have been distributed. If you’d still like to purchase the video, you can do so here.

Next up, the end of the year show! This show will feature costumes, makeup and lighting at TBC. We should have enough tickets for everyone to bring their support crew along – the more tickets we sell, the more extravagant we can make these events!

Lastly, a big thanks to Miss Hannah and Miss Alannah for their attention on the day! So great to have this support team alongside me. 


In other exciting news over the break, our lovely teacher Alannah got engaged to her partner, Tom! Huge congratulations to you both and we look forward to seeing you celebrate such a memorable event!


Our Performance Dance Packages are a great opportunity for your child to create a very special performance JUST for them!

A performance package is $400. It includes: 5 private 45 minute sessions, your very own choreography, edited music and practice videos. If your dancer continues to practice their routine they will be invited to perform at our events and on behalf of VPC!

Please get in touch with Tess if your dancer is keen to perform or you’d like to find out more.


Make your child’s next birthday party an unforgettable experience with the ultimate dance extravaganza!

We can custom birthday party packages to your child’s unique interests, ensuring an experience like no other. Picture this: a 45-minute dance adventure filled with laughter and energy! Our talented dance teachers can either come to your location in the Tauranga area or you can choose from our fantastic venues, The Black Sheep Studio or The Te Puna Hall, for a party that will have them dancing with joy.

Some of the birthday party options are:

  • Standard dance lesson in your child’s favorite style
  • Themed dance lesson inspired by a beloved movie or a dream destination
  • Let the birthday kid dance with their favorite costumed character – Elsa or other beloved friends
  • A dance performance to the birthday kid’s most-loved song, creating magical memories
  • Bring out the star in them with a music video or “dance crew” experience
  • Exciting dance-themed party games like Follow the Leader, Copy-Cat, Musical Statues, and Freeze for endless giggles.

To find out more and get an idea of costs, visit our kids party page!

Image of text asking people to join the VPC family FB Group


Don’t forget – all dance music and dance class videos are available via the Jack Rabbit portal.

This is an excellent way to get in some extra practice, especially if your child is partaking in exams, as all exam syllabus material is also located here.

If you haven’t accessed before, check out the ‘How to video‘ on our VPC Families Facebook Group.


Did you know that in addition to our outstanding dance and Pilates programs, we also offer ACC physio appointments?

Tess earned her Physiotherapy Degree from Australian Catholic University in 2013. With years of experience, she has been serving as a registered Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist in private practices across Brisbane, Australia, and Auckland and Tauranga, New Zealand.

Tess’s expertise extends beyond traditional settings. She has provided physiotherapy services to national touring theatre companies at the Queensland Performing Arts Centre for hit musicals like “Anything Goes” and “Strictly Ballroom.” She has also worked with international performers at the Civic Theatre in Auckland for the acclaimed musical “Book of Mormon.”

Tess can work with you on rehabilitation, injury prevention, or performance enhancement, tailoring programmes to your unique needs.

Reach and book your physio appointment with Tess today.



In this blog, we explore the essential aspects of nurturing young dancers, focusing on developmentally appropriate dance techniques and mindsets. Our primary goal is to provide a positive and supportive environment where children can thrive and grow without unnecessary pressure or comparisons with their peers. Renowned dance educator, Lisa Howell, shares her insights on encouraging a healthy mindset through positive talk, emphasizing the significance of progress over perfection.

Any feedback you have about this Victory Performance Centre Newsletter, leave it below!
I would love to hear what you want me to include next time.

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